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Jocelyn is the Flux Logistics Manager at Death, Inc., and a supporting character and NPC in Have a Nice Death.

Upon starting a new run, Jocelyn provides the player with a selection of various Contracts. The player must select one Contract before proceeding. She gives the player a set of different Contracts that can be rerolled indefinitely for the cost of 50 Ingots, and the amount of Contracts that can be stacked at once can be upgraded to three via Joe's Shop.


Jocelyn – Flux Logistics Manager

Jocelyn began her career as the second ever Death, Inc. employee. She was hired right after the Cloak. Can you believe it? She was initially hired as the hourglass, but her formidable efficiency soon saw her rising through the ranks. The CEO promoted her to the role of water clock, and then, after numerous negotiations during which Jocelyn demonstrated her hunger to succeed, she became Flux Logistics Manager. In plain English, this means her essence controls the network of Death, Inc.'s elevators. It goes without saying that she is, single-handedly, the heart and soul of the whole company. Well... Although she is a bit scary, Jocelyn has always put this trait to good use: Thanks to the right training and a big smile, your elevator phobia is now a thing of the past!

Jocelyn's unwavering asset is her punctuality, combined with an insatiable appetite for company gossip. Her ability to be everywhere at once allows her to hear everything that's going on at all times, and to gain first-hand knowledge of all the rumors making the rounds in the break room and through the corridors of the various departments. It's what she calls the perks of the job. As Jocelyn says, "Elevators have ears... No need to google it — if you heard it from me, it must be true."

Every work day begins with the same ritual, which even Death has to follow: the MFCC's (Mortuary Flux Collaboration Charter) B-66 circular must be completed. Jocelyn makes sure of it! It's not possible to take an elevator up or down — or to move around within the corporation, period — without having first completed this administrative formality. It's not that difficult; it simply requires a quick signature, two or three things to do for the day, and Bob's your uncle! What's more, Jocelyn very generously lets you choose. (She doesn't have to tell you it's mandatory, of course.)





Powers and Abilities


