Pump Quinn

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Pump Quinn is the assistant to Death, an intern at Death, Inc., and a supporting character and NPC in Have a Nice Death.


Pump Quinn – Production and Management Intern

Ever since childhood, Pump has been a big fan of Death's career. Their room at their parents' house is plastered with posters of Death, Inc.'s founder at the height of his power. It also contains a collection of merchandise of all types, from the most common to the rarest of limited-edition collector's items. A graduate of the Sepulchral School of Eternal Vanity Management (SSEVM), Pump had their sights set on an internship with Death, Inc. Thanks to a lot of determination (and insistence), Pump found a place managing the agenda of Death himself! This news made it the second-greatest day of their non-life.

Pump is passionate about Death's work and has shown such great and pure fervor that mystical powers have awakened in their subconscious. Pump is truly gifted at teleportation, which should be a huge asset to the boss, even though the other employees like to take advantage of it to make Pump bring them koffees. Likewise, Pump can fully regenerate, even if you squish their pumpkin head! Handy. Pump secretly dreams of developing a brand, just like they were taught in school. Taking inspiration from the very best, wearing a hooded cloak, using a killer name — why not Pump Quinn, the Jack -o' -Lantern Supreme?

The circumstances of Pump Quinn's death are troubling. According to Patrick, Pump's soul couldn't have been more than nine years old when they showed up at reception. Below is an excerpt from a comment written in the personal statement box on the death registration form: "I'm really good at hide-and-seek, you know! When I was playing at school, I could hide for hours and hours before anyone would find me. I don't remember much about my last game, though. I think I hid in a trash bag. It was really tough to tie the knot from the inside. And then there were some funny noises, a super bright light, then ... I don't really remember!"





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